#1813. New Directions for Student Services: Bridging Research and Practice to Support Asian American Students (Winter 2017). Dina C. Maramba & Corinne Maekawa Kodama. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishing. 113 pp. $25.00. ISBN: 978-1-1195-0607. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ss.2018.2018.issue-161/issuetoc;jsessionid=6F4BB2D5AAFFE985EDE8D509FFDF5909.f04t02

Review by: Kiana Shiroma, PhD

Pre-Health/Pre-Law Advising Center

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

[email protected]

Being Asian American (AA) can be extremely difficult and complicated for those who are attending college. In addition to typical college student challenges, these individuals face the “Model Minority” stereotype while integrating their parental and cultural expectations with their own hopes and dreams. With the number of AA college students consistently increasing, it is imperative that educators know how to best serve this specific population. New Directions for Student Services: Bridging Research and Practice to Support Asian American Students (Winter 2017) is an excellent resource for post-secondary practitioners to learn how they can best support AA students. The editors, Dina C. Maramba and Corinne Maekawa Kodama, selected informative chapters that provide complex dialogue and connect research and practice to successful support of AA students.

The last time New Directions for Student Services published a volume specifically on Asian Americans was over 15 years ago. Since then, much research and discussion have taken place regarding AA students. Maramba and Kodama filled this new volume with current chapters written by prolific educators regarding the intersectionality of Asian American students and their various experiences including religion, engagement, and psychological health. Some chapters also focus on AA racial, academic, and career development.

Bridging Research and Practice to Support Asian American Students is unique not only because of the content but also how the personal, genuine and sincere way in which the authors convey the information. The authors share both personal experiences and successful practices, which only makes the information even more relevant. Their true passion and interest comes off of the page and inspires others to AA students.

In comparison with other texts available, this is an exceptional piece due to the practicality of each section. Each author offers clear, concise and realistic suggestions as to what practitioners can do to make a difference for their AA students. These recommendations are directly related to academic advisors regardless of institution and experience. Additional recommendations on how individual educators can be agents of change in their departments and institutions will also help readers understand how they can support AA students. The last chapter of the book is solely dedicated to providing tools and resources to further learn about AA students, which encourages more reflection on one’s self, department and campus.

I strongly recommend Bridging Research and Practice to Support Asian American Students to anyone and everyone who works with Asian American students in higher education. I am an Asian American and my dissertation research centers around AA and Pacific Islander students. As a result, I have taken many classes, am familiar with the research currently available and have written a great deal about these issues. Yet, I learned so much from this volume about how I see myself as a person, AA, academic advisor, and educator and how I can best support AA students. I strongly believe that other advisors will be able to grow and develop from reading this book as well.

Posted in: 2017 Book Reviews
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