NACADA publishes a wide range of advisor professional development resources.  These include:

  • Books.  Each book provides an extensive study of a particular advising topic focused on practical application of research and theory.  Books range from the record-setting New Advisor Guidebook to the most recent Power of Story: Narrative Theory in Academic Advising.
  • Digital Recordings.  CD recordings of individual webcasts within the NACADA Web Event series.  These recordings bring "Voices of the Global Advising Community" to your campus for just-in-time viewing.  The DVDs in this category feature real students and professional and faculty advisors introducing important advising issues. Invaluable!
  • Pocket Guides.  These short, cost-effective publications are conversation starters for academic advisors and administrators on “hot topics” within the field.
  • Posters.  Several NACADA posters with important messages suitable for display in an individual advisor's office or at advising centers.
  • Toolkits.  Each e-download Toolkit includes the materials needed for an effective professional development ‘hot topic workshop’.  Included are: 1) a chapter from a best-selling book, 2) learning outcomes focused on important themes, 3) activities and questions to guide discussions, and 4) support resources (i.e., case studies, checklists, or questions) that improve advising practice.
  • Packaged Resources.  Created by experts, products are bundled to help training coordinators provide advisor training workshops that win rave reviews.  Packages are discounted significantly for NACADA members compared to purchasing items individually.

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