First Generation College Students Index Page

Higher education can seem daunting to first generation students, lacking the comfort that comes with familiarity. Being the first in a family to attend post-secondary schooling comes with it a series of unique challenges. Gathered here are a number of resources geared toward helping advisors ease those students' transition into collegiate life. 


NACADA resources:

Other resources from 2010 - present

Other resources prior to 2010:

Institution Example Websites

Index of Topics
Advising Resources

Do you have questions?  Do you need help with an advising topic? 
Email us.


Advising First-Generation Students eTutorial

The “Advising First-Generation Students” eTutorial is a 3.5 week, in-depth learning experience focused on improving understanding of the needs of first-generation students. Participants complete weekly discussion posts, quizzes, and other in-depth assignments, including creating a philosophy of advising.