Issue 26(1)

Issue 26(1) NO Image:
Anna M. Kent review of the book How to get the teaching job you want: the complete guide for college graduates, teachers changing schools, returning teachers and career changers by Feirson, R. & Weitzman, S. a Stylus publication.

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Career Counseling, Job Search, Book Review, Teaching, Anna M. Kent, College graduates
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Narrative & Experience in Multicultural Education Narrative & Experience in Multicultural Education Narrative & Experience in Multicultu...

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Book Review Index for Issue 26(1)
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Beth A. Glessner-Calkins review of the book Electronic Communication Across the Curriculum by Reiss, Donna, Selfe, Richard & Young, Art. A NCTE publication.

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Book Review, Teaching, curriculum, Beth A. Glessner-Calkins, Electronic Communication
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Efrem Sharp review of the book Preparing Your Campus for a Networked Future by Mark Luker. A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Book Review, Internet, higher education, Efrem Sharp, Network, campus
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Susan V. Iverson review of the book Woman Abuse on Campus: Results from the Canadian National Survey by Walter S. DeKeseredy & Martin D. Schwartz. A Thousand Oaks publication.

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Gender, Campus safety, Book Review, Susan V. Iverson, woman abuse
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Matthew Church review of the book The Quest to Define Collegiate Desegregation by M. Christopher Brown II. A Bergin & Garvey publication.

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Book Review, multicultural, collegiate desegregation, Matthew Church
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Book By: Deitz, Larry H. and Enchelmayer, Ernest J. Review By: Bettina Brockerhoff-Macdonald Centre for Continuing Education Laurentian U...

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Book Review, Bettina Brockerhoff-Macdonald, partnerships, cost, outsourcing
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Donna M. Wolfinger review of the book  Continuing Professional Development for Teachers: From Induction to Senior Management by Neil, Peter and Morgan, Carol. A Kogan-Page Press publication.

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Professional Development, Book Review, Teaching, Donna M. Wolfinger, United Kingdom
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Frances Northcutt review of the book Contemporary Financial Issues in Student Affairs by John Schuh. A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Book Review, Student Affairs, Frances Northcutt, Financial, budget
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Terri Blevins review of the book Learning to Listen by Laurie Ribble Libove. An Organizational Design and Development, Inc publication. 

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Book Review, , listening, Terri Blevins, Listen
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Brandi Ellis review of the book What Makes Racial Diversity Work in Higher Education by Hale Jr. Frank W. A Stylus publication

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Diversity, Book Review, multicultural, racial diverstiy
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Sundra D. Kincey review of the book Serving Minority Populations: New Directions for Community Colleges by Laden, Virgil. A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Diversity, Book Review, minority, community college, Sundra D. Kincey
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Joyce B. Buck review of Essentials of Research Methods: A guide to social science research by Ruane, Janet M. A Blackwell publication. 

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Research, Book Review, , Joyce Buck, research methods
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Christine G. S. review of the book Leading Diverse Communities: A how-to guide for moving from healing into action by Brown, Cherie R. and Mazza, George J. A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Diversity, Book Review, Leadership, Christine G. S.
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Pat Alexy Stoll review of the book The Lighter Side of Staff Development by  Aaron Bacall. A Corwin Press publication.

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Professional Development, Book Review, Staff development, Pat Alexy Stoll, cartoon
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Marie Dahleh review of the book Using Entertainment Media in Stuent Affairs Teaching and Practice by Deanna Forney and Tony Cawthon. A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Orientation , Book Review, fye, entertainment, media, AV, Marie Dahleh
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Heather T. Wagoner review of the book Who Owns Academic Work? Battling for Control of Intellectual Property by Corynne McSherry. A Harvard University Press publication.

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Research, Book Review, Heather T. Wagoner, intellectual property
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Denise Yacullo Rodak review of the book Addressing Faculty and Student Classroom Improprieties by Braxton, John M. and Bayer, Alan E. A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Book Review, classroom, Denise Yacullo Rodak, teaching style, ability
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Michael H. Turpin review of the book Thriving on an aging workforce: Strategies for organizational and systemic change by Beatty, Paulette T., & Visser, Roemer M.S., (Eds.). A Krieger Publishing publication. 

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Book Review, Career, workforce, organization, Michael H. Turpin
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Gwenette Gaddis Goshert review of the book Web-Based Distance Education for Adults by Barbara DuCharme-Hansen and Pamela Dupin-Bryant. A Krieger Publishing publication.

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Book Review, Adult learners, distance education, web based learning, Gwenette Gaddis Goshert
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Lisa Schmidt review of the book The Senior Year Experience: Facilitating Integration, Reflection, Closure, and Transition by Gardner, John N., and Van der Veer, Gretchen, and Associates. A Jossey-Bass publication. 

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Book Review, transition, Senior, experience, Lisa Schmidt
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Cynthia Sarver review of the book Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens through the Twenties by Jeffrey Arnett. Oxford University Press publication.

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Book Review, Adulthood, Teens, twenties, 18-25, Cynthia Sarver
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Karen G. Spangler review of the book How College Affects Students: A Third Decade of Research by Pascarella, Ernest T. and Patrick T. Terenzini. A Jossey-Bass publication.

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, Book Review, Karen G. Spangler, affect of college on students
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Beth Yarbrough review of the book Investing in Your College Education: Learning Strategies with Readings by Stewart, Thomas and Hartmann, Kathleen. A Houghton Mifflin publication.  

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Book Review, higher education, learning strategies, Beth Yarbrough, reading
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Kurt Xyst review of the book Promoting Reasonable Expectations: Aligning Student and Institutional Views of the College Experience by Miller, T. E., Bender, B. E., & Schuh, J. H. (Eds). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Book Review, academic advising, college, Kurt Xyst, expectations
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Patrick Donnelly review of the book Achieving and Sustaining Institutional Excellence for the First Year of College by Betsy O. Barefoot and John Gardner. A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Book Review, fye, freshman experience, Patrick Donnelly
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Keri Bowman review of the book Alternative Strategies for Evaluating Student Learning by Achacoso, Michelle V., Svinicki, Marilla D. A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Student Learning, Book Review, Evaluation , Keri Bowman
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Amy Perkins review of the book Your College Experience: Strategies for Success by John Gardner and Jerome Jewler. A Wadsworth-Thomson publication.

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Book Review, fye, freshmen experience, new student
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Julia Beth Rey review of the book The 2003 National Survey of First-Year Seminars: Continuing Innovations in the Collegiate Curriculum by Tobolowsky, Barbara F., Mamrick, Marla, and Cox, Bardley E. A National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students In Transition publication.

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Orientation , Book Review, first-year students, Julia Beth Rey, seminars
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Robin S. Williams review of the book Serving Native American Students by Mary Jo Tippeconnic Fox, Shelly C. Lowe, and George S. McClellan (Eds). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Book Review, higher education, native american, Robin S. Williams
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Patricia Griffon review of the book Enhancing Learning with Laptops in the Classroom by Nilson, Linda B. and Weaver, Barbara E. (Eds). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Technology, Book Review, learning, Patricia Griffon, laptops
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Jeanette Gregory review of the book Adjunct Faculty in Community Colleges: An academic administrator’s guide to recruiting, supporting and retaining great teachers by Desna Wallin. An Anker publication.

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Book Review, Adjunct faculty, community college, Jeanette Gregory, recruiting
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Tresmaine Grimes review of the book Race and Higher Education: Rethinking pedagogy in diverse college by Howell, Annie & Tuitt, Frank. A Harvard Education publication. 

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Diversity, Book Review, higher education, race, Tresmaine Grimes, pedagogy
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Rachel Nottingham Miller review of the book The Mentor’s Guide: Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships by Zachary, Lois. A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Book Review, Rachel Nottingham Miller, Mentor, relationships, mentee
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Kris Rugsaken review of the book Banishing Burnout: Six Strategies for Improving Your Relationship with Work by Leiter, Michael P., and Maslach, Cristina. A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Book Review, Career, Kris Rugsaken, burnout, strategies for improving, job
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Moira Fracassa review of the book Speaking Effectivly: Achieving Excellence in Presentations by John Kline a Prentice Hall publication.

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Book Review, Moira Fracassa, presentations, speeches, speaking, effectively
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Denise Heidebrink review of the book Interviewing for Success by Arthur H. Bell and Dayle M. Smith. A Prentice Hall publication. 

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Book Review, interview, Denise Heidebrink, relationship between interviewer and interviewee
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Denise Rinn review of the book Career Patterns: A Kaleidoscope of Possibilities by Harris-Tuck, Liz, Annette Price and Marilee Robertson. A Pearson Education publication.

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Book Review, Career, Denise Rinn, occupational awareness
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Jeffrey A. Margolis review of the book College Student Retention: Formula for Student Success by Alan Seidman. A Greenwood publishing publication. 

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Book Review, student success, Retention, Jeffrey A. Margolis, philosophical issues, social issues
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Deborah Childs review of the book A Family Guide to Academic Advising by Donald C. Smith & Virginia N. Gordon. A NACADA/National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience publication.

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Parents, family, Book Review, academic advising, Deborah Childs, high school
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Keonya Booker review of the book Narrative and Experience in Multicultural Education by Phillion, JoAnn, He, Ming Fang, & Connelly, F. Michael (Eds.) a SAGE publication.

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Research, Book Review, multicultural, culture, Keonya Booker
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Virginia Gordon review of the book Ready or Not, Here Life Comes by Mel Levine. A Simon & Schuster publication.

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Book Review, Virginia Gordon, work-life unreadiness, career readiness
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