Pillars of Academic Advising

The NACADA Board of Directors endorses four documents that champion the educational role of academic advising in a diverse world.

The four "Pillar" documents of academic advising are:




These sets of guiding principles affirm the role of academic advising in higher education, thereby supporting institutional mission, while at the same time, anticipating the needs of 21st century students, academic advisors, and institutions.

They can be used for a variety of purposes including professional development of academic advisors and program assessment. They also can be used when implementing a new advising program or revising a current one.

Academic advising is carried out by a vast array of individuals, including faculty and staff members. These guiding principles are intended for use by all who advise.

These documents support all categories of institutions with every type of advising delivery system. Intentionally, they do not address every detail and nuance of academic advising. Rather they should be used as starting points and references for a discussion of academic advising, providing the framework for a coherent approach to implementing a well-functioning academic advising program that would meet any specified institutional goals.