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Entries for ' advisor training'


The NACADA Summer Institute provided a unique opportunity for every advisor to learn more about their role in serving students. Those who clearly defined an advising problem on their campus and developed an Action Plan probably extracted the greatest benefit from the week, but it seemed that even the least-experienced advisors with less-defined action goals left with a road-map for how to improve their own advising practices. Participants also gained a good sense of the principles that inform the way their institutions provide connections for their students.

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professional development, collaboration, build relationships, summer institute, advisor training, Debbie Marlow
Posted in: 2008 March 31:1
In response to a lack of on-campus advisor development opportunities and a reduction in employee travel funds, OASIS staff at Valdosta State University created the Master Advisor Series

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Kohle Paul, professional development, advisor training, Michael Kitchens, advising workshops

What steps can advisors take to prepare them to ascend the campus career ladder? Regardless of their ultimate goal, it is important for advisors to strive to reach the next step in each and every area of their job.

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professional development, advisor training, Barbra Wallace, advisor competencies

In a field where connection is vital to the success of the appointment, empathy and support on a daily basis can place stress on the advisor or student success coach over a period of time. Advisors may promote the benefits of self-care for their students, but who takes care of the advisor?

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professional development, advisor training, Elizabeth Harmon, Stress, Self-Care
Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.